- Asian + Chinese + Western + Euro + Latino ... and Premium Videos with DCMA - Asian + Chinese + Western + Euro + Latino ... and Premium Videos with No DCMA - Western + Euro + Latino Videos... - Japansese + Korean + Asian Videos... - Chinese + Taiwan Videos...
Video have been published more than 60 days and belong to one of the following tags: gtube, hot fuck, handsome boys, cute boy... will only be viewed with premium accounts ($2.5/month).
Merry Christmas and Happy new year: Upgrade 1 extend 1 (Extend)
- Event start from 2021/12/20 to 2022/01/07- Example: upgrade 1 month -> Bonus 1 month- Only send without fee
Big update (21/08): new package upgrade premium, battle pass, private video, watch to earn...
- Currently, we officially stop using shoppy intermediaries - you can upgrade your account directly on the website.
- Update packages for 3 days ($0.5), 1 week ($1.2), 2 years and 10 years. Please read TOS carefully before making payment.
- Battle pass: Every month based on the amount of account upgrade, there will be rewards for the accounts:
+ Total amount greater than $50: 20% increase in upgrade days or 10% points.
+ Total amount greater than $100: 50% increase in upgrade days or 30% points.
+ Total amount greater than $200: 100% increase in upgrade days or 60% points.
- Private video: we updated the privacy video policy for upgraded accounts. Videos belonging to onlyfan, justforfan... those equipped with DCMA scenes will be considered private videos. Only premium accounts can be seen on listings and watching videos.
- Watch to earn: When you log into your account, each video is watched for more than 2 minutes with ads, the account will receive 5 points (maximum 5 videos a day).
- Update packages for 3 days ($0.5), 1 week ($1.2), 2 years and 10 years. Please read TOS carefully before making payment.
- Battle pass: Every month based on the amount of account upgrade, there will be rewards for the accounts:
+ Total amount greater than $50: 20% increase in upgrade days or 10% points.
+ Total amount greater than $100: 50% increase in upgrade days or 30% points.
+ Total amount greater than $200: 100% increase in upgrade days or 60% points.
- Private video: we updated the privacy video policy for upgraded accounts. Videos belonging to onlyfan, justforfan... those equipped with DCMA scenes will be considered private videos. Only premium accounts can be seen on listings and watching videos.
- Watch to earn: When you log into your account, each video is watched for more than 2 minutes with ads, the account will receive 5 points (maximum 5 videos a day).
Update (21/04): Hide all video onlyfan, jusforfan...
We receive a lot of reports on videos of onlyfan, justforfan ... and it has a lot of impact on the financial maintenance of the website. So we are compelled to do this in order to improve the site:- All content of the system onlyfan, justforfan ... will be hidden for free account.- The links will change every month, so please use the video like feature of your premium account.Please upgrade your account to support us and your favorite subscribers
Join vote and get free premium account.
Join vote with this link to get free premium account (2 accounts + 15 days) -
Big update (21/02): New premium account, remove video DCMA...
Big update (21/02): New premium account, remove video DCMA...- You can choose upgrade premium with 1 of 3 site with $2.5/month. To access all site, you can upgrade with new plan $4/month or $10/month...- Account expired can watch free 12 video premium per week. Free account can watch 2 video premium per week (same for all account).- With some tags same Onlyfan... we had received some report about DCMA. So we will remove video - you can watch it with domain
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